Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Tendency to Discard Names

Working on the Intelligent Computer Open (icopen.org) Project this morning and I think I learned a reason why my mind likes to throw out names.

Was doing work designing memory retention (specifically the minimum memory requirement for serialized context-space vectors) and considered what happens when a Librarian Agent's archiver continues to optimize memory.  I realized that the algorithm could retain lots real-time memory context with very low memory as long as there are no strings (i.e. names) attached.  I then realized that my mind may similar to the algorithm being designed (I seem to be able to optimize and store and process lots of diverse context space).  So it may be that a tendency to discard names may have a purpose.  Less names, more concepts stored and processed, more capacity for complexity.

Anyone else out there have trouble remembering names.  Do you think you too are able to learn and understand a broader set of concepts than the average person (who can remember names)?


I know there are some, unresolved terms in this entry.  Once ICOpen.org and Automapp.com are public (really soon now), I'll create links.

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